Why You May Be Struggling to Find a Partner
- By Kemi Sogunle
- In Courtship, Dating, Divorce, Love, Relationship, Single Life
Have you found yourself getting exciting about dates but not able to connect with the potential partner beyond a few dates?
Reality is that "#Dating is a vetting and sorting game and you have to be able to vet and sort potential partners based on your core values and relationship goals.
On today's episode of "Love, Sex, Lies and Reality" Talks, I #share 2 nuggets that can #help you learn and put an end to the struggles you may face with finding a partner and having a healthy lifetime relationship.
You have to understand that finding the right partner is easy when you know and understand yourself, have established core values and set relationship goals.
This makes it easier for you to navigate the dating world without setting unrealistic expectations that lead to disappointment. However, you must always remember that:
"Disappointments are life's teachers that bring you a conscious awareness to learn the life lessons needed to evolve in your own journey." - Kemi Sogunle
Listen in, learn and let me know your thoughts on this topic.
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#findinglove #romance #romanticrelationship #healthyrelationship
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