How to Let Go When a Relationship is Over
- By Kemi Sogunle
- In Blog, Life, Relationship

The reason why we find it hard to accept the fact that it is the end of a relationship or may struggle to let go of certain situations. This is mainly due to buried and unhealed emotional wounds that we are yet to heal from.
To be able to accept that a relationship is over, requires gaining a deep understand that it was a phase in your journey and there were lessons for you to learn.
This happens because you need to evolve and discover your true self.
You must understand that life is not meant to be stagnant but dynamic. Every day is for learning and discovering who you are.
Read this: Let Go of Anything That No Longer Serves You.
Ask yourself the following questions to begin releasing yourself a dead relationship situation that can no longer serve you:
- What did you learn from the experience?
- What knowledge about yourself (that you didn’t know prior) did you gain?
- What did you discover about the other person?
- What was the purpose of the other person in your life (this is usually a conscious awakening to the parts of your life you are yet to discover) and vice-versa?
- How can you apply the lessons you learned from the situation so that you will not repeat patterns?
You must:
- Learn to forgive yourself for not knowing better in the past.
- Learn the lessons and apply them to the present.
- Learn to meet your own needs and find, heal and love yourself.
- Give yourself the love you believe you deserve to receive so that you can better evaluate your relationships going forward.
“If you don't love yourself, you won't be happy with yourself. If you can't love yourself, you can't love anyone else. You can't give the love you do not have. You can't make anyone love you without loving yourself first.” - excerpt, "Beyond the Pain." Copyright ©2014, Kemi Sogunle. All Rights Reserved.
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