7 Must-Haves in a Healthy Relationship
- By Kemi Sogunle
- In Blog, Courtship, Dating, Love, Marriage, Relationship, Single Life

We all desire to have healthy relationships that would not put a toll on us but this requires work on our part. Consider baking a cake, if the ingredients are not complete to make the cake, it will not come out right. The same concept can be used to evaluate what makes up the healthy relationship.
- Love
This is the first ingredient in a healthy relationship. Without loving yourself first, you cannot truly love your partner. You cannot replace love or cover it with sex, infatuation or lust. Understand your partner, spend quality time and let your love for each other grow deeply on daily basis.
- Respect/Trust
Both partners have to respect each other. Learn to give your partner some time and you need to set apart some “me” time. Hold conversations in ways that would not lead to disrespect or raising your voices at each other. Trust helps build on your relationship. A relationship without trust is not one at all. Learn to trust yourself first and it will become easy to trusts your partner. The more you trust each other, the more respect you will have for one another.
- Communication
Communication is the core of any relationship. Communication also has to do with the tone you use when expressing yourself. You can communicate in a way that your message is heard without interruption but when you communicate from a place of anger/pain, it will be difficult to receive or understand your message. In the case of an argument, it is important to be quiet, listen, discuss and decide than allowing the argument to escalate or be out of bounds.
- Loyalty
To keep building on your relationship together, you must be able to have each other’s back. Loyalty to your partner is a sign of your commitment to your relationship. Supporting each other’s vision/dreams/goals is important to the growth of your relationship. Bearing with one another during tough times also builds a solid foundation to grown upon.
- Commitment
Both parties have to be fully committed to the relationship and contribute towards growth. Without commitment to stay close and tight through thick and thin, the relationship will lose its flavor.
- Sex
They say the way to a man’s heart is through is stomach but reality is the woman needs to give him enough sex to make him satisfied. I documented this in my book, “Love, Sex, Lies and Reality.” Please your partner in your marriage, sexually, so that he does not go out to get it outside. (If dating, do not give in to sex and get hurt. A partner who truly appreciates you and values you will wait and not rush you.)
- Spiritual Connection
Setting time aside as a couple to pray and grow spiritually creates a spiritual awareness and builds a bond as well as foundation for your relationship. The deeper you are both grounded in your spirituality, the more you will be able to pull through tough times as a team.
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