How to Live Your B.E.S.T Life in 2021
- By Kemi Sogunle
- In Blog, Life, Relationship, Video
2021 is a year of elevation and what that means is that you have to step up your game if you want to go far in life’s journey.
Here are some steps to take if you want to live your best life going forward:
- Be Intentional about Your Life.
Become Committed to Yourself. Be Flexible and Open to Learn and Receive.
Be Coachable and Teachable. No one knows everything and you have to become humble to receive through those who can deposit nuggets of wisdom into your life.Be Prayerful. Pray without ceasing and build your relationship with God by taking it to a deeper level. Commit to knowing and understanding who you are.
- Evaluate Your Life Daily.
Evaluate Your Circle Daily - Know what the purpose of each person is in your life and vice versa.
Evaluate Your Thoughts Daily -Are your thoughts taking you away or towards your goals?
Evaluate Your Goals Daily - Did you meet your goals? Do you need to re-prioritize? - Strive Harder Daily. Stop procrastinating. Stop giving into fear. Step out of your comfort zone. Set Goals. Set Deadlines for Your Goals. Stay Focused.
- Treat Yourself by Feeding Your Mind Right.
"What you feed your mind, leads your life." - excerpt, "On Becoming Restored." Copyright © 2014 Kemi Sogunle. All Rights Reserved.
Take time off when needed. Take time to regroup, recharge, re-energize. Test every person you connect with to ensure they are in line with your life’s goals and vision.Trust God and His Process. Take risks and take baby steps. Tap into people who are already where you need to be. Take courses, trainings.
Understand that no one can give you the best life if you are not giving it to yourself. The pace at which you set for yourself is the pace others will mirror back to you.
It's is never too late to start now and there is no better time than this moment (the next nanosecond or minute is not guaranteed)!
Don't know where to start? Schedule a complimentary session with me to get started.
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