My Journey to “On Becoming Restored”
- By Kemi Sogunle
- In Blog, Love, Relationship, Single Life
I’ve decided to share my part of my journey so far, with you. The bottom picture was taken 10 years ago when I decided to commit to my healing journey.
I was tired of hiding and running from myself. My buried emotional wounds/trauma followed me everywhere I went. I acquired more pain in the process of running from myself. I knew it was time to shed the weight and the pain.
My body kept scores. I could feel the pins and needles walk through my flesh from my trauma coupled with sleepless nights and anxiety. I felt caged. I was tired of walking on eggshells. There was a longing within my soul to be found.
I had to stop lying to myself and had to CHOOSE to heal and find my true self.
My Life Came Crashing Down...
I went from the rape at the age of 17 that tore my world apart and added more trauma to my life's journey through unhealthy relationships. I acquired more pain than engaged in healthy ways and healing myself. I was looking for rescuers and tried to fix some of those I met but it all ended in more pain than I began with. I got married and that didn't take away the pain/trauma. My 15-year marriage ended and I found myself in a worse emotional state of being.
I had gone from a size 12 to size 2 and lost 5 pints of blood out of 8. My world came crashing and I was shattered within. I never envisioned divorce but here I was dealing with it. I was completely lost in my own world. I knew I deserved better and wanted better...I was no longer interested in staying abused.
There were days I prayed that God should take my life, there were days I laughed and days when I cried. There were days I just didn’t want to go on but as I worked harder to discover my true self, everything began to uncover.
Emerging from the Rough...
I began to shed the weight and began healing my mind, body and soul. It was during this time that I began to birth my books, “Love, Sex, Lies and Reality,” “Being Single,” “Beyond the Pain” and “On Becoming Restored” (you can read more in my books).
I wrote all four books within one year (the fourth year) of my healing journey. Little did I know, I was getting back on the journey of my life’s purpose... becoming a certified life coach, relationship expert and coaching others, speaking globally and writing books...the purpose I ran away from as a teenager while I got lost in my own world.
You can become better than remain bitter...
👉🏼You don’t have to stay in a place of guilt or shame.
👉🏼You don’t have think that abuse or pain/trauma is normal.
👉🏼You don’t have the live in the’s done and over with.
👉🏼 It’s never too late to start over.
👉🏼 You owe yourself the power to be free of pain/trauma.
👉🏼 You owe yourself the opportunity to be happy.
👉🏼 You must love yourself deeply so you can know how to give and receive true love.
I invite you to come and learn more about coaching with me and break free from what is breaking you.
“If you don't love yourself, you won't be happy with yourself. If you can't love yourself, you can't love anyone else. You can't give the love you do not have. You can't make anyone love you without loving yourself first.” - excerpt, "Beyond the Pain." Copyright © 2014 Kemi Sogunle. All Rights Reserved.
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