How Well Are You Connected?
- By Kemi Sogunle
- In Blog, Life, Relationship

Often times, we do not realize how disconnected we are from our own lives. We have been conditioned to daily routines that we perform consciously or unconsciously (and sometimes subconsciously). We are always on the go and may not have time to introspect or self-reflect.
In such as times as this (the Covid19 lock-down), we have the opportunity to deeply connect with ourselves to see where we have lost the tune: the sound of our own voices, the deep connection with our true self and the love we were born with.
You may feel lost in the moment and do sometimes ‘blank out’ in your own world. You may feel this time brings more sorrow and pain than joy and peace. However, it is in such a time as this, that healing is available to you. A time to reconnect with your soul, to rediscover your voice and path in life, to find your purpose and begin to walk in it.
The moment you decide to connect with yourself; to commune (connect) with your soul and regain your power and light, you will begin to heal and discover to missing pieces to your life’s puzzle.
There are so many opportunities and blessings with the lock-down…one of which is rediscovering who you are and bringing back your light into all the hidden and dark places you may have disconnected from.
Today, I challenge you to spend quality time alone and begin to rediscover yourself, to connect with the lessons, life is bringing your way and to realign yourself with your purpose. Always remember that life can only be lived once and you can never go back in time.
This is one of the best times to connect with yourself so you can better connect with others and discover each person’s purpose when they cross your path.
Be willing to unlearn all that you think you know and begin to learn and see life from different perspectives so that you can build on healthy relationships, set healthy boundaries, spread your wings and learn to soar to a higher level of self.
Read this: What is Your Perception of Yourself?
You are born for this moment so that you can excel in the next but without connecting to what is, you will not be able to discover what is to be. Always remember that life is about becoming and you can only become when you deeply and truly connect with your soul, spirit and body and ensure all are in alignment.
So, go on and give yourself permission to break free from what is breaking you as you unlearn and relearn in order to connect with your true self so that you can live your best life while you still have the chance!
"Life teaches us so much about who we are created to be. We however, need to pay close attention to the lessons each stage brings. Lest, we become blown away like the dandelion and lose ourselves." - Kemi Sogunle, Excerpt, "Beyond the Pain." Copyright ©2014. All Rights Reserved.
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