5 Things You Need to Stop Doing Before the New Year (2018)
- By Kemi Sogunle
- In Dating, Life, Love, Relationship, Single Life

Every single year, you make promises to make changes to your life but how many of those promises do you keep throughout the course of the year?
With thirty three (33) days left in 2017, here are five things you need to stop doing before the new year (2018):
1. Stop procrastinating
Don't keep putting things on hold until tomorrow. Tomorrow is not guaranteed or promised to anyone. You only have this moment...yesterday is history and tomorrow is mystery.
2. Stop putting your life on hold
Don't keep putting your life on hold by trying to please and make everyone around you feel comfortable while you are being drained.
"You cannot give what you do not have. You will only feel depleted. Fill your cup and let it overflow and out of your overflow, give to others. You cannot run on an empty tank!" - Kemi Sogunle
3. Stop overthinking
Overthinking has never solved any problem but compounds it. Do not overthink things. Break everything down into smaller pieces and try to process things one at a time. You will feel more accomplished when you achieve the results from the little things you started.
4. Stop waiting on others
Do not wait for others to perform tasks you have not attempted. Try and if you do not succeed, try again. Waiting for others will make you set unrealistic expectations which will bring you pain and resentment
5. Stop doubting your abilities
You can do the impossible. No one achieves anything without trying. Stop writing yourself off things that you can do. Take a leap of faith and jump. If you do not jump, you will never know what lies ahead.
Start believing in yourself. Regain yourself confidence and get back on track while staying focused. There is so much you can accomplish in the next thirty three days. You can change your life and story.
Always remember:
"Your life is yours and yours alone. No one can live it and fulfill it. It is up to you to make wise choices that will help you move forward and accomplish set/realistic goals with time. It is not how fast but how well you finish." - Kemi Sogunle
[This material is copyrighted. Copyright © 2014, Kemi Sogunle. All Rights Reserved.]
Ready to jump start your life before 2018? Need support getting unstuck, in life or your relationship, email me to get started.
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