Five Reasons Why He Cannot Commit to Your Relationship
- By Kemi Sogunle
- In Blog, Dating, Relationship

Finding a date is today's world is challenging. Knowing your relationship is going good is key to having a healthy and purposeful relationship.
Every woman wants a man who has it all together but sometimes that is farfetched from reality. You may get someone close to that but reality is that you may have to work with the man in the picture to get things going.
Let’s cut to the chase. Boy meets girl. Girl becomes head over heels with boy. Boy knows what he wants but the girl doesn’t seem to understand it.
All he wants is sex but his plan is to play on you emotionally with these talks and think you are in a long-term relationship.
Here are five top reasons why he cannot commit to the relationship:
He is a player
The man has a game plan from the get-go and is only on a mission to execute his plan.
Another woman has broken him or he may have childhood issues which has resulted in him playing around with women. He is yet to take the time to heal or get support to overcome his insecurities, broken heart and fears.
He is not ready for anyone to tie him down. He may have tried to woo you by getting all your attention and talking to you a lot at the very beginning but when sex is over and done, you are just another number on his to-do list and he is ready to move on to his next victim.
The truth is that he was never into you but all he wants has been part of his game plan all along. He may never show or share his feelings with you, you only go out on his terms and he sends you text messages more than talk on phone.
He is not ready to be tied down
He still wants to be able to have his way, go out and spend time with his friends without having anyone nag at him. He is used to doing things his way and commitment will affect his routine.
Having you in the picture will require him to adjust his lifestyle so he can fit you into the picture but that will tie him down as well. He may also have many female friends and loves having them around.
Committing to a relationship will mean that he cannot enjoy their company any longer.
He is not financially fit
A man who is not financially ready will not want to commit to a relationship, knowing he will need to contribute to the upkeep of the house as well as to that of the woman. He is still managing to survive and struggling to make ends meet. Committing to a relationship will require him to step up his game and he is just not there yet.
He is seeing someone else
A man will not be ready to commit to a relationship when he is trying to figure out who will compliment him. He is seeing you and someone else and has not decided which one of you will be the woman of his dreams.
He is sharing his time between both of you and he seems to be enjoying both companies. You are friends with benefits and that is all part of his game plan. If you notice he avoids seeing you on certain days, will not answer his phone as he used to and his reaction has suddenly changed, then it is very likely he is a double/serial dater.
You do not know his friends or family
You have never met his friends or family and he has no plans to introduce you to any of them. He hardly talks about his friends and family. The moment you ask, he ignores you or changes the topic. He knows that your meeting them will mean taking the relationship to another level and he is not ready for that.
Not all men are ready for commitment. You cannot really force a man to be committed to you until he is ready. If another woman has broken a man, he needs to take the time to heal before he can start another relationship.
Do not try to change a man’s ways either. If you find out he is not ready to commit to your relationship, simply keep it moving knowing that there is someone out there for you. Do not spend time begging him to keep the relationship. Learn to know you are worth more than that. Do not stay broken but thank him and exit gracefully, taking along the lessons learned. You will in the future be grateful it did not work out.
Copyright ©2014. Kemi Sogunle. All Rights Reserved.
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