4 Reasons You Miss Out on Love

You sometimes get people who genuinely love you but you may not recognize this because of the space you are operating in. Here are 4 Reasons Why You Miss Out on Love:
- You are focusing on what you see than on the character of the potential partner “What you see is not always what you need.” – Kemi SogunleBeauty/Good looks fade with time but character always remains true. Learn to identify your needs and be willing to identify someone who is willing to help you grow from someone who is only there for what they can get. They may end up leaving you but you do not want to wait for that to happen. Take action and connect to what you need than what you see. Focus on connecting with your partner and find out how compatible you are so that you do not spend your time holding on to someone does not share your values, vision/goals and is not heading in the same direction as you.
- You are Concerned About What’s in It for You You are only thinking about what you can get and not what you can give. Love is about giving than getting and if you are more worried about what you can get, you will keep seeking and may end up in the arms of the wrong partner. Focus on meeting your own needs and defining your requirements so that when you do meet your potential partners, your requirements will help you determine if they are a good match.
- You are Allowing Fear or Ego Lead You You are afraid of being alone or allowing ego to clouded your judgement and you are caught up with everything else but love. Ego usually operates out of fear or your status quo. Your status quo, however, cannot give you the love you deserve but you have to be willing to become humble and pay attention to the one who can give you the love you deserve. Be willing to take risks and take ownership of the choices you make (as they result in the consequences you face). Do not allow fear of being alone result in you giving in and settling. Do not let your status quo determine the partner you attract but focus on your requirements and needs. Be conscious and truthful to yourself making relationship choices that are in line with your purpose.
- You are Allowing What Others Say or Do Cloud Your Judgement You are listening to everyone else and not yourself. Take some time out to sit down with yourself in solitude and figure out the where you need to be with yourself. Remember, it is your life and your choices will result in the consequences you have to face in your journey. Everyone’s timing is different. You cannot allow what others say or do interfere with your journey and process. Sifter through the potential partners you meet and make a decision that is aligned towards your life’s purpose and goals. Ensure you are making a decision that you will not regret but will live to enjoy and be happy with for the rest of your lifetime.
If you love someone who loves you for who you are and not what you want them to be, allow them to love you sincerely and give attention to such a person. Allow yourself to receive the love you deserve, not what you see but the partner who can help you go further, shares your vision and grows with you.
Copyright ©2014 Kemi Sogunle. All Rights Reserved. Ready to find the love you deserve? Join Kemi Sogunle for a 12-week program: “Purposeful Relationship Mastery Program.”
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