"Healing from painful (past) experiences or trauma can be challenge especially when your mind becomes convoluted (filled with anger and confusion) and you cannot seem to process your thoughts. Healing however, is a choice and it is essential to your
We have been so conditioned to believe that certain things do not make a relationship work. While some of these may be true, we need to take a look at those subconscious or unconscious things we do. Those little things
Going through a breakup or divorce can be devastating. You have spent your time and life with your partner and never thought it will end so quickly. You are left all alone to figure things out and are wondering where
We all go through life and relationship challenges but focusing on the bad experience or breakup/divorce does not resolve the problems. Asking yourself the question, "What happens next?" is essential to you going forward and growing in your life and
Expectations are usually set when you are hoping to get someone who will fulfill your needs prior to you trying to do so on your own. Expectations does not equate to reality but desires that you have in mind. Setting
Marriage is a sacred union but some tend to discard the purity that comes with it. This is usually due to emotions that cloud your judgement and decision making. Being desperate while lonely as a single person, drives you to
No one wants a relationship to end but without understanding why, you will keep hoping from one relationship to another.
A partner who suffers from low self-esteem will judge you and make you feel bad about yourself.
Romantic songs and movies have contributed to the way we visualize and expect relationships to work in real life scenarios. However, these often leads to us far away from facing reality of what true love and real relationships are about.