Dear Singles, There is a huge difference between the wedding and a marriage. So many people want the wedding but are not ready for the marriage. If you do not know and understand yourself, the wedding will look attractive to
We all want to be in a healthy relationship but reality is that without understanding what love truly is, keeping a relationship (talk less of a healthy one), will be a challenge. A healthy relationship requires trust, love, forgiveness and
Watching Harry and Meghan sit with Oprah to air the truth about what they are facing, is a constant reminder for all of us on how we allow our family members to run our marriages without being consciously aware of
Why do people cheat in a relationship? Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who cheated on you? Do you believe a cheater will always cheat? Cheating is an art that has been mastered overtime. Let's talk about
Vision 2020! Have you ever wondered why you keep going round in circles and repeating patterns? Do you struggle daily with getting out of a 'sink' whole? Do you have a vision for your life and relationship? You may find
We all dream or crave for a long-lasting relationship…one in which both parties are getting along, feel fulfilled and have a few hiccups here and there but that does not happen in most cases. What happens after a meet up
Expectations are usually set when you are hoping to get someone who will fulfill your needs prior to you trying to do so on your own. Expectations does not equate to reality but desires that you have in mind. Setting
Marriage is a sacred union but some tend to discard the purity that comes with it. This is usually due to emotions that cloud your judgement and decision making. Being desperate while lonely as a single person, drives you to
Do you have the desire to get married? Are you really ready for what it takes? Every single person desires to someday get married. However, without having a good understanding of what marriage requires, you may be heading into it
Getting hurt in a relationship can take a toll on you. It is essential that you know how to prevent yourself from getting hurt in a relationship. Here are 5 Reasons Why You Keep Getting Hurt in a Relationship. Learning