Allow yourself to receive the love you deserve, not what you see but the partner who can help you go further, shares your vision and grows with you.
Michelle and Barack Obama did not only occupy the white house, as president and first lady but they also taught the world about establishing a healthy and stronger relationship...
“Love is about giving without expecting anything in return. If you have to get something back for giving, it becomes a transaction. You can only give the love you have. “– Kemi Sogunle We often think that we must give
A partner who suffers from low self-esteem will judge you and make you feel bad about yourself.
You will feel all alone and sometimes get teary-eyed. Let those times teach you how to find answers to the missing puzzles in your life. Define your needs and values.
Romantic songs and movies have contributed to the way we visualize and expect relationships to work in real life scenarios. However, these often leads to us far away from facing reality of what true love and real relationships are about.
We all experience pain in some form during life's journey but not knowing how to move “Beyond the Pain,” may result in self-hate. Here are 5 ways you may be practicing self-hate without knowing it: 1. You believe everyone is
Have you always wanted to be in a relationship and you finally find a partner but it seems as if you are being lured along a game and you cannot seem to make meaning of what is happening? Breadcrumbing, according
Do not be in a relationship for what you can get but be in a relationship for what you both can bring to the table and share with each other willingly.
Falling in love may not necessarily last long since it is usually based on infatuation, lust or obsessing over the other party. Here is how to know if you are falling in love or loving someone.