We often think that we must give love and receive love in return but the truth is that when you really love yourself enough, you would not have to ask for love, it would be freely given to you. You
No one wants a relationship to end but without understanding why, you will keep hoping from one relationship to another.
Holding on to painful memories only lead to bitterness, strife, malice and anger that only hold us back from moving forward. This only makes us toxic, as all we can give to anyone around us, is the pain we have and not love.
“Love is about giving without expecting anything in return. If you have to get something back for giving, it becomes a transaction. You can only give the love you have. “– Kemi Sogunle We often think that we must give
The ability to connect with a partner beyond the face value can significantly change the dynamics/energy of the relationship.
A partner who suffers from low self-esteem will judge you and make you feel bad about yourself.
"Despite everything, no one can dictate who you are to other people." - Prince
You will feel all alone and sometimes get teary-eyed. Let those times teach you how to find answers to the missing puzzles in your life. Define your needs and values.
Have you experienced a previous breakup, divorce or are widowed and you are thinking of starting a new relationship? You may not uncertain that you are ready and may be wondering what it will take to begin over. Here are
Romantic songs and movies have contributed to the way we visualize and expect relationships to work in real life scenarios. However, these often leads to us far away from facing reality of what true love and real relationships are about.